1. Parent/Carers/Guardian's Email Address: * 2. Parent/Carers/Guardian's First Name: * Last Name: * 3. User Password * 4. Facebook Name if Different Than Above: 5. Address: * Town/City: * Postcode: * 6. 2nd Parent/Carers/Guardian's Name: 7. Address if Different From Above: Town/City: Postcode: 8. Emergency Contact Name: * This in case of an emergency whilst out at an event so should not be yourselves but someone who wouldn't be at the event. 9. Emergency Contact Number: * This in case of an emergency whilst out at an event. 10. Is Transport a Requirement or Are You Able To Make Your Own Way to Events? *Transport Required Transport Not Required 11. Child 1's First Name: * Child 1's Last Name: * 12. Child 1's Date of Birth: * 13. Diagnosis: * 14. Is Your Child a Wheelchair User? *Yes No Are You Able To Transfer to a Seat? *Yes No 15. Would You Like To Add a Sibling? *Yes No 11. Child 2's First Name: Child 2's Last Name: 12. Child 2's Date of Birth: 13. Diagnosis: 14. Is Your Child a Wheelchair User?Yes No Are You Able To Transfer to a Seat?Yes No 15. Would You Like To Add a Sibling?Yes No 11. Child 3's First Name: Child 3's Last Name: 12. Child 3's Date of Birth: 13. Diagnosis: 14. Is Your Child a Wheelchair User?Yes No Are You Able To Transfer to a Seat?Yes No 15. Would You Like To Add a Sibling?Yes No 11. Child 4's First Name: Child 4's Last Name: 12. Child 4's Date of Birth: 13. Diagnosis: 14. Is Your Child a Wheelchair User?Yes No Are You Able To Transfer to a Seat?Yes No 16. Are You A Carer? *Yes No If You Are a Carer For The Child/Children Above Please Provide Us With Proof By Uploading Documentation Below. Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 3 files 17. Do You Have a Nimbus Card With +1 Symbol? *Yes No Please Upload a Photo of Your Card Below: Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 10 files 18. Do You Give Permission for Us To Take Photographs of You and Your Family? *Yes No 19. For Funding Purposes Are You in a Housing Association? *Helena Tenant Riverside Tenant Other Rather Not Say Not Applicable 20. Email Notification *Opt In to Receive Email Notification of Events Opt Out of Email Notifications. You Will Not Receive Notifications of Any Events. An email will be sent out each time an event is organised and is ready to be booked onto. Please note, if you opt out, you will have to look for the events on Facebook as we will have no other way of advertising events to you. 21. GDPR Regulations *I Understand and Agree I Disagree GDPR regulations require us to gain permission to store your details on our database. We will not share this information with a third party without your permission. A copy of our GDPR policy can be found here at https://www.friendsplay.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/GDPR-Policy.pdf 22. Code of Conduct *Please Tick Here To Agree To Abide by the Above Code of Conduct https://friendsplay.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FRIENDS-CODE-OF-CONDUCT-PDF.pdf Email Submit