We had a wonderful day at The Storybarn in Calderstones park. We were greeted by Wave Rider and Roary the Roaring Carrot where we sat and read a story together as a group to start the session off. We then went upstairs to their wonderful den which was beautifully decorated and had so many books. After going on a treasure hunt, the children had some free time to read or explore the den. After spending some time upstairs we then went down for some yummy lunch. The children had their own boxed lunch and the adults had a delicious sandwich and fruit platter. It was then time to put on our waterproofs as we headed outside. We playing the outside area before heading out in to the park. We walked through the sensory garden where we felt some unusual trees and smelled some beautiful plants including an unusual curry smelling plant. We then split into two teams and set a treasure hunt for each other to explore. We then headed back to the den where we did some arts and crafts and finished off with a final story about a hotdog.
A wonderful day was had by all. Many thanks to The Reader for having us.